Tuesday, April 27, 2010

Unhappy Meals

Happy Meal toys could be banned in Santa Clara County

If you have to bribe a kid with a toy to eat a burger and fries, it certainly can't be that good...

Saturday, October 10, 2009

That's a Dumb Question..

..From the Associated Press.

WASHINGTON – Read the bill! It was a rallying cry at angry health care town halls this summer and has evolved into something of a political movement. Many Americans are demanding that lawmakers actually read the comprehensive legislation they've written — or at least make it publicly available — before voting on it.


It might sound like a no-brainer. President Barack Obama has made transparency a watchword of his administration, and House Speaker Nancy Pelosi pledged upon taking office to "create the most open and honest government in history."

The Internet makes it all possible.

So what's the problem?

Well, have you ever tried reading a bill?

Of course not.. I trust that the people who wrote the bill are smart enough to tell me what it means.

Thursday, October 01, 2009

The New Cute

Saturday, September 13, 2008

More Pork, Please

Ok, so I've been neglecting the blog for a while after accepting the well known fact that Senator Obama will be our next president. I've been too busy working with local communities helping people prepare for the burden of paperwork that's to come when applying for their new benefits. It's amazing how quickly their hands still cramp up after resting for so long. But lately I've noticed a shift in their attitudes. Hope for the future, has turned to worry over future benefits.

Trying to figure out what may have happened, I checked out some recent news and learned that in an attempt to appeal to his rural base and aggravate the Muslim population, McCain simply nominated a pig to be his vice-president. Is it really surprising now, that Hamas would support Obama?

And yet this schoolyard tactic has given McCain a slight lead over our rightful new leader in most polls. As I tried to calm the group the next day at our morning meeting, I explained to them that polls are meaningless. It's the actual election that counts, and the rest of the barnyard animals won't be allowed to vote. While performing his hand stretching exercises, one sobbing gentleman asked "What if they don't check their ID's"?

I'll have to get back to him on that one.

Tuesday, September 25, 2007

The Glenn Beck Archive

Thanks to the wonders of modern technology, we're able to catch a rare glimpse of Glenn Beck in his earlier days.
October 17th, 1939

After November 9th, I think we had a lot in common. I had the same initial feeling of fear about Nazism. I think most Americans did. We didn't really understand it at all.

But instead of caving into that fear, I took about a year to truly investigate Nazism. I read Mein Kampf. I met with Party members. I went to Germany. And I came away from the experience with the understanding that, like it or not, Nazism is a peaceful ideology and that the vast majority of its practitioners are good and decent people.

I also came away with the understanding that there are groups of people that want to pervert the message of true Nazism. These people believe that their leader is telling them to kill all non-Aryans, and those are the people I refer to as Nazi extremists.

Again, Nazism is an ideology peacefully practiced by the vast majority of Nazis. And you know, I don't know very many people who have had the time or the energy to research Nazism as I have, because it's my job.

And I also think that fear and ignorance due to the constraints of getting through everyday life for the average American prevent those people from being able to tell the difference between the good, peace-loving Nazis and the bad radical Nazis.
Perhaps Glenn, if more people like Anton Drexler had been able to stand up and defend true Nazism, things would have never gotten out of hand.

Monday, September 24, 2007

Ahmadinejad Misunderstood Again

In Iran we don't have homosexuals like in your country.
This quote by President Ahmadinejad brought laughter when he spoke to students at Columbia University, but the atmosphere in Iran must be properly understood to see the truth in his statement.

This was not a declaration that homosexuals do not exist in Iran, it was a comparison between the two cultures. Homosexuals in Iran are not like those in America.

In America, gay and lesbian proponents are up front, outspoken, and declare their preferences to the entire world. They are constantly protesting, lobbying, and demanding the right to be who they are in public. In contrast, the homosexual community in Iran is much more tolerant of the greater society in which they live. They understand that sexual preference is an individual choice, and value their right to privacy in such personal matters. Ahmadinejad has created an harmonious world for gay and lesbian couples to live and work side by side with heterosexuals without the need to declare themselves 'out'.

Recently, one of our own outspoken Americans publically declared her affection for President Ahmadinejad.
"Okay, I admit it. Part of it is that he just looks cuddly. Possibly cuddly enough to turn me straight. I think he kind of looks like Kermit the Frog."
While I'm sure Mahmood would be flattered Sally, I understand he's already married. It may be in everyone's best interest to keep that one to yourself.

Thursday, September 20, 2007

Finally, Some New Laws

On September 20th, a whole host of new laws will kick off for the state of Maine. It's a wonderful variety of ways to protect us from laziness, as well as provide for our future.

Among some of my favorites..
"Impostor" musical groups face fines of $5,000 to $15,000 plus restitution for advertising or performing under false or misleading connections with other musical groups.
Copyright and trademark laws are entirely outdated. It's much easier if Gov decides for us who's trying to play off someone else's name for publicity.
More Maine high school students will at least have to think about college. A new law encourages secondary school students to complete at least one application to a college, university or other postsecondary school.
Nearly everyone agrees that going to college is in a person's best interest. Thankfully the first step in that decision can be enforced. Perhaps someday, Gov can legislate passing grades as well.
As of Thursday, a new Maine law will prohibit anyone less than 18 years old from driving while using a mobile phone or handheld electronic device.
No more kids flipping through Ipod folders while driving, but groping around to find a cd on the back seat floor still appears to be ok.
A new law takes aim at the recreational drug salvia divinorum, prohibiting its transfer or possession by anyone under 18 years of age.
18 years old to take a hallucinogenic, disassociative drug? Sweet!

Overall, I'm impressed. Some of these are even beyond what I've dreamed.